
Title: Choosing the right XDR solution for 5G

Time: On demand

Duration: 60 min

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CISOs and security operations remain challenging due to a growing attack surface in the communication service provider world.

While security tools such as SIEM, SOAR and EDR technologies all have their benefits, organizations must look beyond the limits of these offerings to extended detection and response (XDR).

Security professionals want XDR solutions that deliver relevant intelligence with integrated automation and frameworks like MITRE ATT&CK to help guide and support their advanced threat detection needs.

Join us for a webinar, where OMDIA and NOKIA will cover with practical examples the evolution of threats in 5G and why Nokia's take on XDR is focused on telco-security outcomes, and ask your questions.

Topics Covered
  • Problem statement: CSP security teams already often respond too slowly to alerts, have time for fewer investigations, and run a greater risk of missing an attack in progress.

  • Platform advantage: XDR solution augmented with artificial intelligence (AI) trained to automatically investigate alerts.

  • Not all XDR solutions are the same. Choose wisely and learn how we can support your 5G network innovation.

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Hollie Hennessy
Senior Analyst, IoT Cybersecurity

Hollie has a range of experience in research. She began her career in the legal sector, writing and researching for expert witness reports on the labor market. She then moved into product testing, with a consumer protection focus. In this role, she was responsible for managing comparative tests of various technology products, as well as regular testing and investigative work into the security of these products. She has published articles in Which?, one of the UK’s largest subscription magazines, produced by the country’s largest consumer organization; and Computing magazine. Hollie is responsible for the IoT cybersecurity Market Tracker and collaborates with the Service Provider analyst team on 5G security coverage. Her most recent publication was: “Opportunities and Challenges to Unlock Service Revenue in Private LTE and 5G Networks.

Gerald Reddig
Digital Trust Portfolio Marketing Director

Gerald leads the global portfolio marketing efforts for Nokia’s security solutions. He is a member of the broadband forum, directs Nokia's membership in the IoT Cybersecurity Alliance and steers Nokia's Security center in Finland. Gerald is on the speaker’s circuit at international conferences and a recognized author on the topics he’s passionate about: cybersecurity technology, data privacy and finding the right solutions to prevent vulnerabilities, hacker trojans or man-in-the-middle attacks.

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Alexa Tahan
Marketing Campaign Strategist

Alexa leads the Campaign and content strategy for Nokia Cybersecurity services and solutions. She has extensive B2B and B2C content marketing experience and is passionate about enhancing the buyer journey.