Title: Securing Microwave Networks – Protecting Critical Assets
Date: Jun 10, 2021
Time: 5 PM EEST (UTC+3)
Duration: 1 hour
With high profile security breaches occurring almost daily across the globe, all industries are focused on staying one step ahead of the cybercriminal. Nokia is ready to partner with you to prepare for the onslaught of security assaults from phishing for user radio credentials, denial of service, ransomware to many other forms of attacks that will impact the operation of your microwave radio network. In this webinar Nokia presents the tools, techniques and security standards at your disposal that will greatly enhance your resistance to cybersecurity attacks.
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Elena Maria Grassi
Senior Product Manager, MW & CSN - Mobile Networks
Elena Maria Grassi is responsible for the long haul segment in Nokia Wavence Product Management. As a close follower of the global long haul microwave market, she has developed a deep knowledge of this segment, as well as microwave technology in general. Building on her physics degree, Elena has 20 years’ experience in microwave technology, spending 10 years in microwave device research before moving on to product management.
Tom Loper
Senior Product Manager, MW & CSN - Mobile Networks
Tom Loper is the global domain owner for security features for all Wavence platforms in the Wavence product management team. Prior to this assignment, he was responsible for all 5G mmWave and cmWave/Dynamic Spectrum Sharing first office applications and field deployments for Nokia’s customer, Verizon. Tom was an optical product manager for many years with Alcatel and Alcatel-Lucent managing layer 2 and TDM digital cross-connects as well as SONET high capacity optical solutions. He started his career in telecommunications at SBC Communications (now AT&T) where he held positions in operations, maintenance engineering and training.
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Tamas Madarasz
Portfolio Marketing, MW & CSN - Mobile Networks
Tamas Madarasz leads Marketing for Nokia’s Mobile Networks Microwave and Custom Solutions. Thanks to various sales, presales and marketing roles he has gathered more than 18 years’ experience in wireless/wireline transport technologies.