
Working towards quantum-safe RENs

How research and education networks can protect their data from current and future quantum threats

Watch the Webinar to discover:

Why RENs should be concerned about emerging quantum computing threats

How bad actors can use quantum computers to put RENs and their data at risk

How governments and industries are responding to the quantum threat

Why it's essential for RENs to upgrade their cyber defenses

How RENs can make their networks and data quantum-safe—starting today


The rapid advancement of quantum computing means that organizations will soon be able to test its power and potential in commercial platforms. But it also means that bad actors could soon existing quantum algorithms to crack the asymmetric encryption methods the world relies on to protect critical data. Governments and industries are working hard to issue warnings and update cryptography standards to address this emerging threat.

This webinar explores the risks that quantum threats pose to research and education networks (RENs). Tune in to learn how RENs can use solutions that combine strong symmetric cryptography with high-entropy session keys to build a defense-in-depth architecture that keeps their data safe from current and future quantum threats.

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