
Powering the smart roads of tomorrow


Are your telecom and data center networks ready for smart roads and highways in the IoT and coming AI era?
Road and highway operators know that the latest digital technologies are offering better ways to achieve their goals — which include connecting societies and driving economies by moving people and goods more efficiently, as well as helping road users enjoy safe, on-time and stress-free journeys.

However, when you operate smart roads, a robust and secure telecom infrastructure is vital for getting the most productive results from advanced technologies like Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) and vehicle-to-network-to-everything (V2N2X). Specifically, the infrastructure must support wide area and data center connectivity, which enables more efficient operations through data processing of all the sensors, applications, and monitoring and safety devices in a highway system. This centralized road data can then be accessed, consumed and shared by applications and stakeholders — from operators to local authorities to traffic information providers and car manufacturers. It can also help drive smart traffic management applications and keep everyone informed.

Clearly, new digitalization, automation and AI applications will demand much more from your road communications infrastructure. In this webinar, our industry experts will share their views on how to meet the increased demands — and realize the crucial benefits that smart roads and highways can bring.

Topics covered

Compelling events that are reshaping the transportation landscape

The latest transportation innovations addressing automation, weather, cybersecurity, your workforce, and more

Drivers for communications network modernization

Telecom infrastructure and technologies for smart roads



Benoit Leridon

Head of Transportation Business, Network Infrastructure


Benoît Leridon is the Head of Transportation Business for Network Infrastructure at Nokia where he is responsible for global business development targeting transportation verticals. Benoit has 25 years of telecom pre-sales background covering enterprise and carrier markets for data, and voice solutions, and joined Alcatel-Lucent in 2010 after holding different pre-sales management positions in companies such as Wellfleet, Bay Networks and Nortel



Adam Hill

Editor of Global Business
ITS International




Date: 2025-04-09

Time: 3:00 PM CEST

Duration: 1 hour


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