AMRs are helping enterprises everywhere work more efficiently and safely. As digital transformation and IoT initiatives progress, demands for additional AMR capabilities continue to evolve, for example:
While today’s AMRs may work well with Wi-Fi, these demands for evolving AMR capabilities are compounding the need for increased coverage and reliability, higher bandwidth and better response times – and in many cases, existing Wi-Fi network infrastructure alone constrains the required growth.
In this webinar, we discuss how the latest developments in networking and industrial edge technology enable a flexible balance of pervasive private wireless/Wi-Fi connectivity and orchestration of industrial edge data processing to enhance motion control, video streaming, sensing, local edge computing and localization of AMRs/AGVs.
Evolving AMR/AGV capabilities and benefits
Real-life deployments
Changing network requirements
Connectivity innovation to scale Industry 4.0
Private Wireless Sales Manager
Solutions Engineering Director
Trilogy NextGen
Head of Marketing, Enterprise Campus Edge
Original Air-Date: 2024-10-23
Time: On-demand
Duration: 1 hour
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