
Securing IEC 61850 communications

From protecting against eavesdropping to preparing for post-quantum threats

Download the Whitepaper to discover:

How IEC 61850-enabled automation is transforming power grids

Key threats to IEC 61850 communications, including MITM, DoS and quantum attacks

Why power utilities need to prepare for quantum threats now

How cryptography can protect IEC 61850 communications

How to build a quantum-safe blueprint for IEC 61850 communications


It's time to start making grid communications quantum-safe

Power utilities are extending IEC 61850-enabled automation beyond substations to power the journey to software-centric, data-driven grid operations. But sending IEC 61850 communications over the WAN exposes the grid to cyber threats that put confidentiality, integrity and availability at risk.

This paper explores the major threats to IEC 61850 communications in the WAN, including eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle (MITM), denial-of-service (DoS) and future quantum computing attacks. Find out why it's time for utilities to start building a quantum-ready cyber defense and how they can do it with a multilayer defense-in-depth approach that encompasses encryption, firewalls, access control lists and network segmentation.

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