Compliance letter

Nokia Buy America Compliance Certification Letter

Include this Buy America compliance certification letter in your BEAD funding application

Nokia’s fiber optic broadband network electronics and optical modules meet the final Buy America guidelines issued by the Department of Commerce for BEAD participants.

Nokia BEAD-certified products provide an end-to-end solution for fiber network builds.

This letter serves as Nokia’s self-certification that our broadband network electronics and optical modules manufactured in the U.S. meet the Buy America guidelines.

We will take the necessary steps to be added to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) official list of certified “Buy America” compliant vendors.


As a Buy America-compliant vendor, Nokia is one of the few that can supply products and services to critical broadband infrastructure projects focused on closing the digital divide. By meeting the final NTIA guidelines, Nokia can fully support states expected to launch BEAD projects in 2024. Nokia's first U.S.-made products that meet Buy America standards can be delivered as early as June 2024. Available for order as individual products or as part of Nokia’s network-in-a-box program, the BEAD-certified solutions provide states with the technology needed to build end-to-end fiber networks to support BEAD's goal of expanding broadband access to more communities.

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