Key research findings in factors driving interest in critical mobile communications capabilities
Accelerating benefit realisation, by re-designing organisational processes and mindsets, and partnering with technology providers.
Investing in new critical communication infrastructure to reduce the total cost of ownership, increase interoperability and unleash business innovation
Recommendations on how to successfully design and implement strategic business outcomes from FRMCS
Head of Rail
Karsten received the Dipl.-Ing. (FH) degree in communications engineering from the University of Applied Sciences “Fachhochschule für Technik” Mannheim, Germany, in 1998. In the same year, he joined the Alcatel Research Center in Stuttgart. As Head of Rail, he is responsible for expanding Nokia’s business in the railway sector with a current focus on the future of rail communication (e.g. FRMCS, 5G), cyber-security for railways and analytics.
Research Director
International Data Corporation (IDC)
Max is the Research Director in European IDC Government Insights team. His research empowers technology suppliers and public sector professionals to embrace disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, edge computing, and cloud, to realise the benefits of strategic initiatives such as smart cities and citizen-centric government services. Max has 20 years of public sector experience, and he is also IDC Europe’s lead analyst for passenger transportation.
Telecom Networks Solution Director
Pierre Cotelle has built his experience in the telecom industry during 12 years, mainly within NORTEL in France and abroad. He joined ALSTOM 16 years ago to set-up the Networks & Telecom department in charge to build and deliver solutions for the Railway and Urban Rail segments. He contributes to the ALSTOM transformation by introducing new telecom technologies for the benefit of rail digitalisation, through advanced research, R&D programs and tendering activities. He has introduced the LTE technology for signaling and digital services since 2014 and now focus on 5G/FRMCS as the following step.
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Duration: 1 hour
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