
Title: High-Performance, Scalable and Secure IP-Optical Networks for RENs

Time: On demand

Duration: 1 hour

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Scientific research requires massive amounts of data that needs to be shared among different institutions. Especially in the last two decades, with the advancements in instrumentation and compute power, the amount of data that has been generated is enormous and is putting tremendous stress on the networks. Research and Education Networks (RENs) play a very important role in enabling global collaboration among these institutions. Technology advances such as EVPN, 800GE IP architectures etc. will keep these institutions at the front of the pack.

In this webinar, we will explore use cases and services provided by these high-performance scalable and secure IP-Optical RENs. We will also discuss the following pertinent technologies:

  • EVPN as a common layer 2 and 3 service extending into data center fabric
  • A high-density, power efficient 100 GE/400 GE/800 GE IP architecture for low-latency high-throughput file transfer
  • Unified IP-optical layer co-ordination for optimal network management
  • Quantum-safe encryption and a Big-data-driven DDoS protection framework to safeguard against evolving cyber attacks

Join speakers Roland Thienpont: Director IP Product Marketing & Chris Janson: Product Marketing Manager to learn more.

Topics Covered
  • Event Topic 1

  • Event Topic 2

  • Event Topic 3

  • Event Topic 4

  • Event Topic 5

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Roland Thienpont
Director IP Product Marketing

Chris Janson
Product Marketing Manager

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