
Title: Deploying the 5G core in the cloud: A guide to helping CSPs understand market trends and assess their options

Time: On demand

Duration: Standard 45 min presentation + 15 min Q&A

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CSPs' 5G Core plans should consider the pros and cons of private, public and hybrid clouds. How are hyperscalers and Communication Service Providers (CSPs) working together from a business and technical perspective? What are the possibilities of hyperscaler-CSP partnerships related to the 5G Core?

Register for this webinar to hear TBR Inc’s Chris Antlitz and Nokia’s Jitin Bhandari discuss the structure of current hyperscaler-CSP partnerships pertaining to the 5G core, and gain a better understanding of CSPs’ assessments and options pertaining to working with hyperscalers on the 5G core.

Topics Covered
  • 5G Core deployed onto private, public and hybrid clouds

  • Values, risks and considerations

  • Industry activities

  • What's next?

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Chris Antlitz
Principal Analyst
Technology Business Research, Inc. (TBR, Inc.)

Chris Antlitz is a principal analyst in TBR’s Telecom Practice. Chris oversees and contributes to the Telecom Practice’s syndicated research portfolio and custom project work. Chris leverages over 14 years of analytical experience to lead the Telecom Practice’s research agenda as well as provide critical insight and analysis to syndicated and project work.

Chris covers the global telecom vendor and operator ecosystem and all major trends in the space including, but not limited to, developments in NFV, SDN, edge computing, digital transformation, IoT, private cellular networks and 5G. He also covers the hyperscaler market, particularly the pursuits of the Big Nine webscale companies (i.e., Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Rakuten, Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent) in the digital space.

Additional focuses for Chris include the supply and demand of ICT hardware, software and services as well as spending trends, demand shifts and relationships in the vendor-operator ecosystem. He plays an integral role in the creation of TBR’s telecom-related market landscapes, market forecasts and benchmarks, and he presents key findings from reports and thought leaderships in TBR webinars.

Jitin Bhandari
CTO, Cloud and Network Services

Jitin Bhandari is CTO of Nokia’s Cloud and Network Services (CNS) business group. CNS’ portfolio includes software solutions across domain of core networks, orchestration, assurance, analytics & insights, security, private wireless for service provider & enterprise markets enabling 4G, 5G and IoT services for mobile, fixed and cable networks. Jitin leads the software technology strategy, disruptive technology innovation for mid & long-term horizon accelerating transformation of networks, operations, analytics with cloud native, 5G and beyond. 

With extensive knowledge of IP transformations of networks into software and cloud for worldwide markets, Jitin is known as a communications visionary with end to end expertise of networks, operations and services with a unique ability of big picture strategic focus and proven ability to deep dive and execute. Jitin has 20+ years of experience in software/IT/telecom industry and is based in Austin, Texas. 

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Ed Elkin
Core Networks - Portfolio Marketing

Ed Elkin provides portfolio marketing of Nokia’s Core Networks business unit. The portfolio includes the packet core, voice core, subscriber data management, policy control, signaling, and network exposure. Ed’s programs include 5G Standalone Core, core on public & hybrid clouds, cloud infrastructure, Network as a Service (NaaS), analyst relations, solution demonstrations and public talks.

With 30 years of telecom experience (operations, engineering, sales, marketing), preceded by seven years’ service in the US Navy, Ed is based in Naperville, Illinois.