Title: Digital Transformation for Airports
Time: On Demand
Duration: 1 hour
The Role of Wireless Connectivity
Private wireless is the first step in an airport’s Digital Transformation journey leading to the optimization of operations.
Private LTE/5G wireless technology offers ultra-reliable, high bandwidth, low latency connectivity throughout the airport. This wireless network will become a strategic asset to the airport enabling it to enhance operational efficiencies, increase situational and operational awareness, and improve the passenger experience.
Connecting processes, people, and assets. LTE/5G private wireless will be a key enabler for airports in this digital transformation journey.
How innovative airports are taking advantage of digital technologies and connectivity options
How these technologies can make your airport operations more connected and efficient
LTE/5G private wireless technology
What business models, spectrum options and deployment options are available
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Niren Choudhary
Business Development - Aviation, Ports and Transportation
Mark Brant
Enterprise Business Development
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