
Title: Paving the way to FRMCS

Time: On demand

Duration: 1 hour

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The role of FRMCS and 5G in railway digitalization

Several railway operators are on the way to digitalization and automation of their railway operations, they are already running special programs, such as Smart Rail 4.0, Digitale Schiene, DigiRail, etc. These programs allow future services to run even more reliably, increase capacity on the existing rail networks, improve safety for employees and optimize system costs. FRMCS, enabled by the latest mobile communication technology – 5G – plays a central role by not only replacing the legacy GSM-R communication system, but also by allowing the implementation of a broad range of new use cases, such as ATO, IoT and remote operation.

Nevertheless, the introduction path will be phased. Coexistence and extended lifecycle of current generation systems will run for quite a few years on a parallel track. FRMCS technology will be tested and gradually deployed throughout the network and rolling stock fleet until GSM-R switches off.

Topics Covered
  • The role of FRMCS and 5G in railway digitalization

  • The promising use cases enabled by FRMCS

  • FRMCS implementation timelines

  • Extended support of current technology and associated migration strategies

Register to watch webinar

Michael Kloecker
Head of E2E Solution Management for Railways

Claudio Bassani
Vertical Solution Expert Transportation

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Speaker 4 Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed posuere interdum sem. Quisque ligula eros ullamcorper quis, lacinia quis facilisis sed sapien. Mauris varius diam vitae arcu. Sed arcu lectus auctor vitae, consectetuer et venenatis eget velit. Sed augue orci, lacinia eu tincidunt et eleifend nec lacus.