Carbon free radio networks are good for your business – and for the planet

Save energy, save money, aim for zero emissions

Energy costs money and contributes to carbon emissions. Globally operators spend tens of billions of euros per year on the energy their radio networks use. Making these networks emissions-free is good for your business and good for the planet. Nokia Zero Emissions solution can help limit global warming to less than 2°C.

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Your step-by-step guide to the zero carbon networks

Gain insights into how to reduce your energy bill, carbon emissions and save the planet

  • Understand the growing business and regulatory pressures your business faces
  • Discover the two parallel paths to a zero emissions network
  • See how network modernization delivers substantial cost savings and cuts complexity
  • Deploy the latest software to boost base station site energy efficiency
  • Learn why it’s important to take the first small steps today on renewable energy
  • The zero carbon vision is good for your business … and the planet

Discover how with a single solution you can significantly harden both optical and microwave networks against cyber attacks. It secures the communications network of Defense, Public safety, and mission-critical service providers, with the objectives to:

  • Minimize the network attack surface
  • Increase the effort/time required to compromise the network
  • Decrease the amount of time required to detect and respond to an attack.

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Ut sit amet nibh eget leo scelerisque ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sagittis, mauris eu aliquam varius, augue risus consequat nisi, et maximus velit arcu in velit.

Phasellus aliquet semper nunc ut blandit.

Ut sit amet nibh eget leo scelerisque ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sagittis, mauris eu aliquam varius, augue risus consequat nisi, et maximus velit arcu in velit.

Phasellus aliquet semper nunc ut blandit.

Ut sit amet nibh eget leo scelerisque ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sagittis, mauris eu aliquam varius, augue risus consequat nisi, et maximus velit arcu in velit.

Phasellus aliquet semper nunc ut blandit.

Ut sit amet nibh eget leo scelerisque ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sagittis, mauris eu aliquam varius, augue risus consequat nisi, et maximus velit arcu in velit.